Saturday 23 November 2013

June 19 - 22nd

The next day found us in Glentrool village. It's not a village with commerce. It's a starting place for many hikers.

It is a place I had visited often as a child; picnics with my family. It is known as the one of the worst places for midges - those wee biting beasties, however, we were only affected in the campsite - no sitting outside for happy hour that night!

We thought this was an amusing sign and discovered later than some of these 'bins' have security cameras trained on them to further avoid illegal dumping.

Castle Douglas is an 18th century market town with a fair sized downtown with lots of shops and we spent a bit of time in a junk shop. For us the best place was the park at Carlingwark Loch.

There were a multitude of swans in the loch. As a point of interest all swans in Britain are owned by the Queen. What a beautiful sight.

After lunch we moved on to Carlsluith and stopped at the smokehouse there. Young Justin gave us a tour of the facility and we bought some of their tasty smoked produce.

 The now defunct fishing grounds on Wigtown Bay where the smokehouse had procured its fresh produce.

Further on along the bay

Our last night in Scotland was spent at the absolute worst campsite we had ever been in. 

Our desire was to stay close to the ferry port. From the coast road we spotted a sign for one, only 600 meters. As we came to discovered 600 meters was only to the entrance. We traveled for a least 6 kms. up the hills and down. We were the only RV there so on a positive note it was quiet!


                                           The ferry departed on time.

 We had a bit of breakfast
and enjoyed the scenery

Similar to our area of France, the sky can change within minutes.

Magnificent wild cloud formation.

Here we are in Larne Lough, according to Garmin GPS that is.
 Time to deboard the ferry.

Next time - our travels through Southern Ireland...

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