Thursday, 1 August 2013

Glencoe and more

 This part of our trip:  Susan and Roy's to Perth.

Down the road from Susan and Roy's - what spectacular sights.

 Brian is very interested in smokehouses as he has been smoking salmon for many years so Roy had suggested we stop in at the Inverawe Smokehouse in Taynuilt.  We arrived in Taynuilt - no smokehouse there. We eventually found someone who gave us directions which took us miles and miles into the hills. This is the type of 'postal' address vs.'actual' address discrepancy which makes us crazy in France. Do they not think that on marketing materials and websites the physical address and directions would be helpful?? The smokehouse was closed to visitors that day but we did see an exhibition about the history of Inverawe House and the  fishery. We bought salmon and kippers. Yumm.
She works hard for the money, so hard for the money...

We then headed to Glencoe, a glen of majestic mountains, deep lochs and tragic history. It is probably the most visited glen in Scotland, receiving visitors from all over the world.

A VERY Short history:

The Massacre of Glencoe. 

(In old English, exactly as it appeared)
To Captain Robert Campbell of Glenlyon ' For Their Majesties' Service'  Sir, You are hereby ordered to fall upon the rebels, the M'Donalds, of Glencoe and putt all to the sword under seventy. You are to have special care that the old fox and his sons doe upon no account escape your hands. You are to secure all the avenues, that no man may escape. This you are to putt in execution at five o'clock in the morning precisely, and by that time, or very shortly after it, I'll strive to be att you with a stronger party. If I doe not come to you att five, you are not to tarry for me, but to fall on. This is by the King's special command, for the good of the country, that these miscreants be cutt off root and branch. See that this be putt in execution without feud or favour, else you may expect to be treated as not true to the king's government, nor a man fitt to carry a commission in the king's service. Expecting you will not faill in the fulfilling hereof as you love yourself, I subscribe these with my hand.
Master of the Stair
(John Dalyrmple)

The Campbells stayed with the McDonalds for two weeks prior to the morning of February 13, 1692.


 These are the words to a song, immortalizing the black deed that some members, under Robert Campbell of Clan Campbell of Breadlabane, carried out on the helpless MacDonalds.
{ CHORUS } Oh cruel as the snow that sweeps Glencoe, and covers the graves o' Donald (Donnell), Oh cruel was the foe that raped Glencoe, and murdered the house of MacDonald. ------------------------------------------------------

They came in a blizzard, we offered them heat, a roof for their heads, dry shoes for their feet, we wined them and dined them, they ate all our meat, and they slept in the house of MacDonald.
They came from fort William, with murder in mind, the Campbell had orders, King William had signed, put all to the sword, these words underlined, leave no one alive called MacDonald.
They came in the night, while our men were asleep, this band of Argylls, through snow soft and deep, like murdering foxes, among helpless sheep, they slaughtered the house of MacDonald. 
Some died in their beds, at the hands of the foe, some fled in the night, and were lost in the snow, some lived to accuse him, who struck the first blow, but gone was the house of MacDonald.
(copied from !!!!!!!!!
Moving on to brighter skies:

The scenery is stunning, however, my photos do not do justice to it.

We travelled around the Glen and then went into the village for a few supplies. We stayed at the Glencoe Campsite
 Click here for Internet photos of the area

After dinner as we walked around the park. We heard Scottish music and I had to follow the sound to investigate. Brian was less enthusiastic.

Can you 'spot' the Tiger??
What found were "Tiger" (yup, that's what he's was called) and his accordion playing buddy whom we were told was 80 that day. Soon, regular campers dropped by and we discovered that  
everyday was the musician's 80th birthday! What a hoot they were. 

After sunset and we retired to the RV to watch a movie.

The next day we travelled around the glen to view the hills and take a few walkabouts.

 Further along the road we had lunch in this cute little place.

Love the window

Brian patiently waiting for me to
                                       Take The Damn Picture                             
"Jacket potato" topped with cheddar cheese and a salad for Brian and I had a Ploughman's lunch of cheese, bread, salad, pickled onions and Branston pickles - sooo good.

 We dove north east to Aberfeldy. It is a sweet little town with shopping and a campsite within walking distance. Surprisingly, I have no photos. It was one of the best places we visited. We spent time buying Brian some much needed clothes and spoke at length to the owner of the store about E-Cigarettes. We then had unhealthful breakfasts of eggs and the most amazing bacon. The waitress was French and told us how much she enjoyed it there rather than her native Champagne area. 

Reluctantly, off we went to Pitlochery.
You can always tell a 'tourist' town as it will have an Edinburgh Woollen Mill store and a few other well known names.  Unfortunately, there were many empty stores, victims of the economy and the weather patterns.
Brian was in need of a haircut and I spotted the perfect place on a side street.

Brian in his new coat. Thankfully Sweeney was too busy and Brian returned to me - unhurt!

A couple of other interesting storefronts

Tails a-waggin

Being a dog friendly town we were able to take Angus into most stores. In this one he met the 'store dug' and they said hi ya in usual doggy fashion.

 Moulin, as you may remember from Moulin Rouge, is the French word for mill. We were intrigued by this sign and the history.
We decided to have another fish n chip lunch and the young seagulls appreciated we were sharing the chips
I have to admit I have no idea where this is!
 It is somewhere between Pitlochry and Perth - maybe it is Perth ??
That's all folks until I have time to write more...

1 comment:

  1. It was so lovely to read this blog Jo and to see the wonderful photos because Danny and I have visited this part of Scotland a couple of times and it brought back happy memories. We were fascinated by Glencoe and found it had a kind of eerie feel as if all the McDonald ghosts were still lingering there.
